Saturday, October 11, 2014

All Hope is Lost (until my friends come to the rescue!)

Once again I decided to venture into the wonderful world of Tinder, because I sit in class on Tuesdays for 1 hour listening to some woman who hardly speaks English rant over personal nutrition, tell us how fat we all are, when she herself isn't the ideal of health.

So I sit there and flip through this wonderful little application after I exhaust my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat (can you tell that I'm bored yet?)

I have come across two guys who seemed to be decent and so we began chatting.  This is where everything went wrong- no nudists this time, I promise!

The first one seemed ok- good job working for the state, likes to hunt, grill out, and be outside.  Works hard, and apparently didn't finish middle school.  It quickly became apparent that he did not know the difference between two, to, and too; your and you're; etc.  The grammatical errors I can sometimes overlook since I understand that not everyone writes correctly in text messages, but the glaringly obvious spelling errors and misused words instantly got to me.

Then, bless this poor kids heart, he really let me see that he has no common sense.  First he called Olive Garden authentic food.  I don't know about the rest of you, but when the cooks are of Hispanic descent, I don't consider what they are fixing authentic Italian!  After pointing that out to him he said about how good their breadsticks are (which I can agree, as I'm sure can anyone who has eaten at an OG).  I made the comment in passing that they are laced with crack- hence why they are addictive- and it went WAYYYYY over his head.  I'm talking into outer space over his head.  Que palm to face.  I've talked to some very unintelligent people in my lifetime, but I have yet to find someone who really believes that there are drugs in Olive Garden's breadsticks.


If only this ended there- but I have a hard time being mean to stupid people, so I continued talking to him in hopes that it was just a bad day.  The next morning he sent me a text that said he was multitasking- driving, eating breakfast, drinking coffee, and texting.  I replied that it wasn't a good tactic for survival and this is the response I got:

"well you half to be smarter than the average bear"

........................................................ Fail.

Rule #1 of calling yourself smarter than anything- use the correct words.  Did you even attend grade school?  Last time I checked half did not have anything to do with requirements, demands, or anything other than measurement.  Maybe I have been out of grade school for too long, someone please help me out here.

Needless to say after this comment and then having to stick to a coffee date, because heaven forbid we meet at a bar and watch part of a sporting event so there is something to talk about other than ducks..... (and I thought I was bad when it came to talking about horses).... I politely declined a second date- did I mention he thought a good place to get coffee was a Huddle House?- I ran off to have a wonderful night out with my barn girls.

Let me just tell you that I have the best friends in the entire world.  We were all a full hour late to see this band, because we were in the barn and smelt like horses and sweat, and the band didn't even begin until 10:30.  We all had to be back up around 6 the next morning, and we proceeded to stay until after close (that's what happens when you know the band!), and have a wonderful time.  These girls will pull out all of the stops and go to the mat for me, each other, and I for them.  They are the sisters I never had, and I could not be more thankful for them (I know I talk about this a lot in my blog- but they really deserve a ton of credit!)

I don't think I have ever gone out with this group and not had a smile on my face the entire time.  Not to mention they are all absolutely beautiful and it makes me feel awesome to be out with them.  Andrew is pretty cool too- and he does a great job of putting up with our wild, crazy selves.  They all inspire me to continue working my butt off for the things I want, and I always have someone to go to when things are rough- not to mention someone to cheer on the Cards with!! WOOOOO POST SEASON BASEBALL TONIGHT!!!

Needless to say I gave a presentation at class on about 2 hours of sleep, and then came home and spent a ton of time in the barn last night, and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.  Horses are on the trailer to Nashville today, someone is coming to try Louis today, and finally the rain stopped- so it is a good Saturday so far!  Fingers cross for good things for me, please!

Oh- and on the second boy.  Well he continues to tell me that "I need a man in my life"- well whoops you definitely screwed up there buddy.  Not only was I raised by my mother, who definitely did not need a man in her life and lives a pretty bad-ass one, but I went to an all female school where they drilled it into my head that I was fine on my own, and I have lived my entire life happier by myself than with a man who thinks like you (you all are welcome to go check my terrible date post again if you need a reminder of how I respond to gender assigning comments haha).  People like you are the reason we are still fighting the feminist war- and I've spend too much time in sociology classes this semester- thank you Amanda....- and I am back off of my soapbox.

Off to ride ponies! Then watch the game tonight- have a good weekend everyone!!!!

Oh and check out the page for my farm on Facebook- Lone Creek Ranch (I had to set up a professional page for school!)- please!

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