Ok wow, how did it become Wednesday for all the working folk? As for me, I am very grateful for this hump day as it is my weekend, and let me tell you it has been wonderful!
I started out yesterday with a bit of a tense flat ride on my horse, which led to a lot of frustration and almost brought me to tears. Then I remembered that I had a lesson scheduled for today, it was approximately a million degrees out, and I was exhausted from the long work week. So I spent some quality down time with him just hand grazing after I cooled him out and we bonded over being annoyed with each other for the time being. Let me reiterate that I am grateful for this life I have going and I would not trade one day with my quirky, and insanely athletic, horse.
I then drug myself to work only to sit and watch the monsoon hit and think that we were going to head to the basement of the casino for a tornado drill. Thankfully we got lucky and I just watched some soccer and baseball (ugh rough day for me there with the US Soccer team coming so close and my beloved Cardinals not showing up at all). All in all work was pretty weak, but I had a wonderful night on Monday and we have a big weekend coming up, so I sucked it up and powered through the horrible 6.5 hour shift on my feet. I then went out and grabbed a couple of much needed drinks and cheap appetizers with my coworkers, and I could not tell you the last time I laughed that hard! It was the perfect wind down I needed, and even though I sacrificed some much needed hours of sleep for that it was worth every minute.
My alarm blared way too early today but I drug myself out of bed and to the barn. My horses were very glad to see me since I made them stay in throughout the storm the night before, and I quickly went through barn chores and headed off to a fabulous flat lesson! It was considered great because it was another one of those breakthrough days where my horse wasn't perfect to start, and we worked through to get some great work. Maybe not something that would win next weekend, but it could easily be top 5 in any Training division. I am very ready for my jump lesson tomorrow, and I think the Goose man is as well.
I finished my day by deep cleaning my barn and scrubbing all my boots- boring to all my non-horse friends I know, but to me it is heaven. I then chose to not stand up my friend Maggie for our run, and man do I feel great and terrible at the same time now. My claves are screaming at me as I walk, and I definitely rubbed the snot out of my thighs because this is the first time all year I've worn shorts (no thigh-gap for this fat kid!), but I ran 2 miles and walked just over one mile, and I felt even better today than I did last week when I ran with her. I need to make myself go more when I'm alone, but at least she makes me go once a week. Before long I'll be running the 2 miles with no break!
I am now relaxing and letting the dogs run outside for as long as possible before I turn in for the night. I have a very long and exciting day planned and I am hoping to have enough energy on Friday to recap it! Let me just say that I would appreciate some good vibes tomorrow- all is well but I am very excited for tomorrow night :-)
And on one last note I have a bragging moment- because I stood on the scale today for the first time, and in 3.5 months I am down just over 20 lbs! I am not discouraged by this number because I know I have put on muscle with my squats and ab work, but this is a huge step for me. I am now only another 20 lbs from my goal weight, and then who knows what I will do from there! But this was a great thing to know that I am making progress, even though the last three to four weeks I have been bad on my diet. I have a new motivation though and I am setting out to accomplish my goals! Forward from here!
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